The IMF’s annual research conference is on at the moment.  Quite a few of the papers are helpful in understanding the Irish situation:  the papers can be downloaded here.

3 replies on “IMFARC”

Hansard. The faithful recorder of bizaree claims by a self confessed money launderer!

Highly suspect? Or an insight into what I have been trying to convey about economic warfare? Levels in such warfare, mean that the same OPM agency problems with “legitimate” funds, occur with illicit hoards.

No “research” papers can deal with the massive amounts of laundered money, nominee holdings nor armed conspiracies that sometimes liquidate a fund.

I recommend that you put up on your site Professor John O’Hagan’s excellent article in today’s Sunday Business Post

Just wondering about the reactions re Ireland of the authors and others in session 5 where you were discussant (or in other sessions). Was there specific mention of the 6bn figure adjustment or any assessment of the developing budgetary position?

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