Slides and audio podcasts from Friday’s session are available at the following link. Let us know if there are any problems. Some technical glitches with the policy evaluation session but we will put material up later. We are working on the videos and they will be available at some stage but the audio and slides should be fine in terms of getting complete content. As is the norm, we dont include the Q+A components of the sessions. The hashtag is still ieconf for people commenting on twitter. It would be good if different posters started threads on specific sessions and a couple of people have already committed to do this later. Perhaps use this thread if general comments about the conference or suggestions for future events.
9 replies on “Slides and Podcasts from Friday”
Still perplexed by Brian Lucey presentation.
Before we criticise the Irish 1980s credit famine lets try to find out what really caused this money blight.
I would like to see those banks balance sheets back then – did they still hold large amounts of Sterling bonds in the 80s while London banks held Irish debt ?
I just don’t know but would like to find out.
But we do know that credit deposits are subtracted via tax to pay goverment debt interest in our current system.
Did the domestic money supply stagnate because of this phenomena ?
And post 1987 did they increase & eventually hyperinflate the credit money production using new Basel rules to pay external sovergin debt given the incestuous goverment debt ownership in the euro & international banking system ?
I think small banks are great – but although I can understand the benefits of channeling credit production to capable people with no money it is a very dangerous beast.
Its best to operate a full money system and expand it at say 2% a year & destroy it when it is malinvested in a bank.
But thats never going to happen I guess – the best we can hope for is a pre 1987 leverage ratio & domestic goverment debt ownership – we may then go back to a semi – rational physical world economy without too much monetory malice.
Also a question for John McHale and other fiscal conservatives.
For example : Lets look at the department of Finance fretting over the Car VRT & Car tax bind it is finding itself in.
So people are becoming more efficient in their car purchases – fantastic.
But if the department of finance taxes waste or malinvestment it finds itself with less revenue over time as less oil is burned – Hilarious stuff but true I am afraid.
Because the CB cannot defecit spend (which is just the creation of base money) – less and less money is available to tax over time especially in a period of credit repayment.
My question is who gets the surplus created if it cannot be spent back into the economy ?
It is going somewhere but we are not getting it – who’s getting the surplus created and where is it going ?
Its time to leave this euro dump lads – its the greatest con job of all time.
We are clearly living in a non optimum currency.
As for Colm McCarthy he clearly does not want to create efficiency in the first place that can be spent on final consumption as he ignores the import figures for oil /gas.
But he is right up to a point – theres no point in this present monetory system in efficiency gains as it is not being translated into wage growth because the overall money supply is declining.
But the money ran out analysis is embarrassing – money does not run out , it can be produced by any bank.
Wealth is merely a question of efficiency & real capital formation.
The trains are empty because people have simply not been given enough money tokens.
You can tax malinvestment – but you cannot tax no activity.
Great work the organisers.
Dork: if your confused why not email Lucy and mchale?
I prefer a open discussion on a open forum.
I will keep asking the questions , some may be stupid , but some are not.
I for instance have absolutely no confidence in a man who was deeply involved in Irish 1970s transport policey.
The whole Irish landscape is now a giant consumption sink because of this gross vandalism of the commons.
People are now locked into a Giant Hamster wheel economy of pointless net energy negative activities.
Energy is not a “Green” issue – it is a economic issue.
It has however been corrupted by various perhaps naive characters such as Duncan spend 20,000 euros on your home insulation via bank credit Stewart.
Thanks Liam for this.
@Liam Delaney
‘Perhaps use this thread if general comments about the conference or suggestions for future events’.
Congratulations on a stimulating day.
Notwithstanding limited resources and challenges presented by the ‘success’ of larger than anticipated numbers there are no-cost organisational means of enhancing ‘delegate’ experience and takeaway through advance preparation. (Many global conference and event venues make full use of volunteers and many volunteer organisations and institutions are delighted with the learning experience).
The impact of potentially dynamic Q&A sessions was unfortunately severely diluted by inconsistent use of roving mikes resulting in large numbers of attendees not hearing the questions which the chairs did not repeat or précis.
(Coffee queues were a disaster!)
My overseas-based (Irish) colleague and I, having made the journey at least partially for the conference, were taken back that a government minister, responsible with her Cabinet colleagues for policy formulation and accountable for its implementation was CHAIR of ( and controlled) a session in which these policies were being discussed and critiqued!
There are means also, at no cost, of facilitating interaction and introductions for ‘delegates’ not part of or unknown to the core irisheconomy, Ireland-based circle that might enhance future events, create a more international ambiance and render them somewhat less Hiberno-centric and incestuous.
The conference was worth the journey, I congratulate you and would be happy to input in future. Bonne continuation.
Thanks Richard for constructive criticism. Sound from the floor was a big weakspot and something to be improved on for next time. Distribution of RSVP lists in advance to all participants is also something for next time but need to check rules on consent for doing this. Ideally coffee should be just handed out for free and quickly and one way or another whoever is doing next one should find the money for this (though Geary Institute/DEW did pay for one round as well as providing the venue). It didn’t in this case cause a delay but it eats into the time available for conversation. There was a lot of discussion afterwards as to whether there were too many talks. Personally am always inclined to try to pack as much in as possible but one for debate. The other issue is whether it should be livecast. I feel no point doing this unless it can be done professionally as if its announced it creates an expectation. The costs for doing it well based on quotes we received were way out of budget so again something to think of for next time.
@ Liam Delaney
Thanks for the excellent conference.
I found Richard by my usual expedient of going up to random strangers and introducing myself – but not everyone likes this method.
From experiences at other conferences you could consider:
When registering by email give name and organisation (if relevant), print them out and ask people on signing in for the day to wear a tag. People don’t have to wear them if they don’t want to – or they can stick on preudonyms.
Put up a photo wall of the speakers.
Encourage chairs to make a standard announcement that part of the day is about exchanging views and encourage them to do so between meetings.
At the last theatre conference I attended, your photo was taken at registration on the day, then printed immediately with your name on it, and put up on the wall, so you could see who was present. (What happens is you have a nice chat, and then can go surreptitiously up to the photo-wall to see who the hell you were talking to).
Another thing I’ve seen is: set up tables, which are marked by subject matter (eg unemployment), encourage people to take their coffee to the table of their choice to discuss with like-minded people. This is good for an open session. Have a person at the table to take notes of what is said. This allows more people to get their key points in.
@Liam Delaney
Gavin is right. Except for the minor detail that it was I who approached him having researched beforehand on internet/Google/Wiki the backgrounds and photos (where available) of speakers and non-anonymous contributors I expected to find at the event and discovered Gavin’s polyvalent talents – and images.
There are all kinds of techniques to foster interaction at, prior to, after and between events. And, believe me, to generate revenues for profit, re-investment, research, speaker expenses, projects, or even to attract serious global attention.
It all depends on the objectives. Which may evolve, develop, expand, contract…. but probably NOT remain the same as before!
In any event and once again, well done. And some of you know where to find me if required. Bon courage!