L’Homme est instinctivement protectionniste et seule la raison le pousse au libre-échange.
(Celso Amorim, Brazilian foreign minister, in today’s Le Monde.)
L’Homme est instinctivement protectionniste et seule la raison le pousse au libre-échange.
(Celso Amorim, Brazilian foreign minister, in today’s Le Monde.)
One reply on “The passions and the interests”
How do you come to that conclusion?
What sort of open markets ‘raison’ applies in the case of Brazil where after years of extreme government of the economy in all directions left and right, voted in a strong socialist last time.
IMHO, a typical Le Monde pickup quote, sounds fine but doesn’t rate much analysis. Great newspaper, the last of its kind, but unfortunately not many of its readers are in positions of power to do the things they write about.