First Birthday

This blog began on December 2nd 2008.  Many thanks to all contributors and commentators for building this site into a useful forum for the analysis and discussion of topics relating to the Irish economy (and beyond).

18 replies on “First Birthday”

Many thanks for the platform and continued success in the future.

“The first step in the acquisition of wisdom is silence, the second listening, the third memory, the fourth practice, the fifth teaching others” …. Solomon Ibn Gabriol

Absolutely – happy birthday for all your excellent work. I am doing my best to get more compliance/risk folk to read this excellent blog so that they can take account of wider issues in their day jobs.

A wonderful resource, despite the horse-frightening tendencies of many contributors 🙂

Congratulations all!

Philip, Karl et al
Thankyou very much and happy birthday. This is a fantastic resource of information and opinion.

It is great that the official contributors keep contributing despite their workloads. The pointers to interesting external articles, reports and studies are very informative. This is certainly the most effective use of Web 2.0 technology for the dissemination of ideas that I have seen.

Thank you to all who provide such enlightening contributions. Although it’s unfortunate that such a blog should be necessary, it is most welcome.

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