Dara Lynott on the cost of water

In today’s Irish Times

2 replies on “Dara Lynott on the cost of water”

I think we’ve been here before – and probably more than once. The solution – rationalisation of the multiple local authority activities into regional water and waste water companies, effective strategic planning, quality control & long-term policy commitment to plans and quality standards, some degree of private sector participation in financing, the application of an effective regulatory revenue model, cost-based water charges and a move to metering and direct compensatory payments to low income consumers – is clear. But the chances of anything happening soon….

I have an idea? Let us sell it off, at the depths of a depression, which explains why it will be so cheap, to pals of ours who will make secret deposits in Thailand, Morocco, and Brazil banks? We can get the pollies to claim it will fix all the problems and then watch as our pals sell it on to the French or English water companies. We’d make a packet and the pollies would be happy to avoid criticism of their management. A bit like the HSE? Cept we haven’t been able to privatize the whole system yet.

And if anyone blows a whistle we can implicate them in child pornography or satanic worship?

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