IIEA Event on Europe’s Sovereign Debt Crisis

The Institute of International and European Affairs recently held an event on the European sovereign debt crisis. The event featured Dietmar Hornung of Moody’s Sovereign Risk Group, Lee C. Buchheit, a legal expert on sovereign debt issues and Ann Pettifor of Advocacy International who is known for work on sovereign debt and international finance such as the Jubilee 2000 (Drop the Debt) campaign.  Podcasts of the presentations and slides are available here.

6 replies on “IIEA Event on Europe’s Sovereign Debt Crisis”

It was a very interesting seminar. Mr Buchheit’s presentation in particular was very interesting – apparantly a huge portion of Greek’s debt is governed by Greek rather than foreign / international law and therefore makes changing the laws to facilitate default a possibility.

It’s great to be able to get podcasts of presentations so one can listen to them while commuting.

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