IMF Conditionality

It is helpful to know what the IMF’s current view of the role of conditionality in its programmes: the statement is here.

Additional material:

The Independent Evaluation Office provides critiques of various aspects of IMF work:

There is a query page to see who borrowed what and when from IMF:

4 replies on “IMF Conditionality”

“without resorting to measures that may put national or international prosperity in jeopardy”

Which is what makes me believe that the 12.5% corporation tax rate is not even an agenda item in these discussions. The government is making it out as though it is, just to be able to save face at the end of these talks e.g. : “We may have had to give way on this and that but at least we kept our 12.5% rate.”

Classic PR guff or misleading the electorate?

@Philip Lane,

Many thanks for highlighting this, but sequential posts on the same institution or topic tend to kill any sort of meaningful debate in the ensuing threads.


Just think of it as very expensive (Euro 100,000,000,000 and counting) advertizing for our convivial corporate state?

A shrewd move in that case? Wonder who was behind that?

The latest condition seems to be the abolition of national parliaments in Europe as the IMF head calls for a European federal state.

Never waste a crisis!

Hopefully the ECB action against Irish banks is part of Germany pushing bank against the French plot for a federal government in the absence of a european demos or unified european country.

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