Oireachtas Committee Transcripts: September 1 and 2

The transcripts from last week’s meetings of the Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform are now online. The transcript for Michael Noonan’s appearance is here. The Honohan-Elderfield transcript is here. I’m happy to say the website has improved since the last Dail and you can now read the transcript for a full meeting without having to hit lots of arrow buttons.

3 replies on “Oireachtas Committee Transcripts: September 1 and 2”

“When I make suggestions like that to people in Europe, they think I am deranged” – Minister for Finance Michael Noonan

I wonder what “people in Europe” think of Ireland and her people shouldering banking debts owed to other European-domiciled banks/investors. Not “deranged” perhaps, just stupid.


‘I wonder what “people in Europe” think of Ireland and her people shouldering banking debts owed to other European-domiciled banks/investors. Not “deranged” perhaps, just stupid.’

Fact is … 99% of Europeans do not know this fact. Nor was this fact effectively communicated to Irish citizenry during last election – an election which maintained the ‘status quo’ of massive ‘socialization’ and future wealth transfer from the masses to the players in the financial markets. ‘Stupid’ is an accurate adjective at times … ‘Supine Stupidity’ a reasonable descriptive …. and unconscionable financial Rape of the Citizenry the only verb that matters ….

Deputy Peter Mathews: Given what it did under oath in the depositions in the United States, I object to Goldman Sachs earning any fees in advising the Government on the recapitalisation of the banks.

Does anyone else except Peter Mathews have a problem with this?

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