Monetary Dialogue Briefing Papers: September 2011

The latest collection of briefing papers for the European Parliament’s Monetary Dialogue with the ECB are available here (click on 4.10.2011). There are nine papers (including one by me) discussing Jean-Claude Trichet’s term as ECB President and the challenges facing his successor.

2 replies on “Monetary Dialogue Briefing Papers: September 2011”

downloaded: Our name is Bond, Euro_Bond: Resistance is Futile, You will All Be Ass_immolated.

The paper by Anne Sibert on bank resolution schemes is worth reading. If only to find out how far ahead the US is in the democratic sense of proctecting depositors and taxpayers above investors.

I note that the remit of the FDIC has been extended under the Dodd-Frank reform (2010) to include non-depository institutions.

Europe and the ECB however seems determined to protect the cossetted financial sector and large investors at the expense of taxpayers. All under the guise of systemic risk.

While the Sibert paper is very readable and rightly lauds the US system it is weak on definitive policy solutions.
Still worth reading.

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