Economic Geography Conference, January 30

As part of its fortieth anniversary celebrations, the Department of Geography at NUI Maynooth is organising a one-day conference on Networks and Flows in Economic Space. National and international academics will present papers on export flows, spin-off networks, innovation networks, finance networks, multinational global production networks and regional development. The keynote speaker is Henry Wai-Chung Yeung, Professor of Economic Geography at the National University of Singapore.

Free Registration at:
Conference details and list of speakers here.
For further information, contact:

2 replies on “Economic Geography Conference, January 30”

With the slow painful suburbanisation of jewels such as Slea Head I would suggest that Irish people don’t know the meaning of the word landscape & are willing to sell their heritage pretty cheaply.

What happened here was the equilivent of a deranged retard venturing into the Louvre with a Slash hook & a hatred for Italian painters.

Then again most people would still be impressed with the Mona Lisa if she was missing a eye but kept her smile , most people.

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