Could you maybe be a bit less elliptical so that we might understand what you’re trying to say?
@Ernie Ball
Reading List
Ulysses (James Joyce) Chapter 1
Speech from the Dock (Robert Emmet) Penultimate sentence
The Old Lady Says ‘No’! (Denis Johnston) Last scene
thought you were a humanities scholar?
The path up and down are one and the same, provided they coincide.
@kevin donoghue
what has the path down got to do with anything. ? it wont apply to ireland which will be pimped out to whoever wants to pay for a piece. come one, come all.
This index is of limited use.
The OECD said last week it would try to estimate trade value added in countries and try to estimate multiple counting in inter-country trade.
Belgium is the European air freight hub with most of its throughput transhipments.
Rotterdam is one of the world’s busiest ports and again its exports and imports are inflated by transhipments . Ditto for Singapore.
Per GDP, Ireland is the biggest host of US companies who account for 90% of internatioanlly tradebale exports.
Beyond the small countries at the top, some of the other comparisins are useful.
Our civil servants sometimes use the fact that we are a small open economy as an excuse for their helplessness.
Should we point out to them that we are in or about the smallest most open economy in the world by our own design, and consequently they are responsible for the ills as well as the benefits that flow from that monumentally important policy choice?
@Michael Moore
cf Tao Te Ching #28
Not yet! But gettin there …
Good to see the Aesthetic Turn in Belfast …
Now to really create we need all Irish everywhere globally to vote in all local elections on the island … then we will be truly global and an epitaph might be written …
8 replies on “Globalisation”
Could you maybe be a bit less elliptical so that we might understand what you’re trying to say?
@Ernie Ball
Reading List
Ulysses (James Joyce) Chapter 1
Speech from the Dock (Robert Emmet) Penultimate sentence
The Old Lady Says ‘No’! (Denis Johnston) Last scene
thought you were a humanities scholar?
The path up and down are one and the same, provided they coincide.
@kevin donoghue
what has the path down got to do with anything. ? it wont apply to ireland which will be pimped out to whoever wants to pay for a piece. come one, come all.
This index is of limited use.
The OECD said last week it would try to estimate trade value added in countries and try to estimate multiple counting in inter-country trade.
Belgium is the European air freight hub with most of its throughput transhipments.
Rotterdam is one of the world’s busiest ports and again its exports and imports are inflated by transhipments . Ditto for Singapore.
Per GDP, Ireland is the biggest host of US companies who account for 90% of internatioanlly tradebale exports.
Beyond the small countries at the top, some of the other comparisins are useful.
Our civil servants sometimes use the fact that we are a small open economy as an excuse for their helplessness.
Should we point out to them that we are in or about the smallest most open economy in the world by our own design, and consequently they are responsible for the ills as well as the benefits that flow from that monumentally important policy choice?
@Michael Moore
cf Tao Te Ching #28
Not yet! But gettin there …
Good to see the Aesthetic Turn in Belfast …
Now to really create we need all Irish everywhere globally to vote in all local elections on the island … then we will be truly global and an epitaph might be written …