This year’s Geary Lecture will be delivered by Tim Besley, Professor of Economics and Political Science, LSE. He will speak on
“Making and Breaking Tax Systems: Institutional Foundations of the Fiscal State”
Date: Friday 19th October
Time: 4pm
Venue: ESRI, Sir John Rogerson’s Quay
Attendance at the event is free but must be pre-booked. There are a limited number of places available and early booking is encouraged. To book a place, please send details of attendee’s name, organisation and contact telephone number by email to
One reply on “ESRI Geary Lecture – Tim Besley, LSE”
@Tim Callan
following your recent very welcome ‘incentives paper’ .. esp on childcare costs [4%; 12%] and the fuzzy welfare/work transition …
Studies warn of poverty traps
By Ann Cahill, Europe Correspondent
Tuesday, October 02, 2012
The real cost of childcare for working parents in Ireland is the highest in the developed world and creates a poverty trap, according to research by the EU and the OECD. …
Lone parents who are usually in poor-paying jobs are left with just 20% of their income to cover costs after paying for childcare, according to the study. A single parent would need to be in the top 20% of earners in the country to ensure their children cannot be classed as being in poverty or at risk of poverty — the worst rate in the developed world.
Couples in poor-paying jobs also fare badly, being left with just 60% of their income after childcare costs. This is the worst after the US in the OECD list.
Ireland is among the most effective at reducing child poverty through a system of allowances, but the Government is under pressure from the troika to cut these and get people into work. While employment is seen as the best way to cut the risk of poverty and deprivation, this very much depends on the provision and cost of child care and the tax take, as well as the availability of properly-paid jobs. …
Leah Speight of the single parents’ group Spark said the Government had made things more difficult for lone parents.
She said two thirds of lone parents worked part time. They could not afford to work full-time even if the jobs were there because of the childcare issue. They are allowed to earn €146.50 a week, but the sum has not been increased in the past 15 years and supports were cut when a child turned seven.