Temin and Vines on the need for leadership

Peter Temin and David Vines have a piece based on their recent book here.

5 replies on “Temin and Vines on the need for leadership”

This book actually looks really good. By the name I thought it was gonna be some outgrowth of Moses Naimes nonsense about the end of power, or a free market screed on how 10 person start ups will rule the global economy..
From their article though they seem to be overreaching a little. Adam Toozes book on the Nazi economy I dont think would support the idea that it was the absence of a hegemon rather than the rise of two powers – which I guess is the absence of a hegemon, but still – that led to world war 2.
I was under the impression as well that a lot of the liberal internationalist perspective on the rise of Hitler, great depression etc had been somewhat undermined recently ( or perhaps Im misunderstanding the arguments) especially the emphasis on war debts (which were a political rather than economic problem) and beggar thy neighbour economic policies.
And that the arguments on capital flows leading to the peripheral financial crisis were being replaced (at least in irelands case) by an emphasis on what euro membership did to bank lender practices, institutional evolution etc..but I really dont know..Ill have to buy it I guess, God willing

Oh and my main point..that they seem a little to favourable towards British imperialism..but Ill keep an open mind

” Had John Fitzgerald Kennedy lived out his time he might have profoundly have altered the course of the Irish-American world. Among his many incomparable powers was an ability to bring together the sacred and profane streams of American public life that have somehow,for example,made foreign affairs genteel but domestic politics coarse.Out of such a consumption might have emerged a new American style,combining as did he himself the tribal vigor of ward politics with the deft perceptions of the chancelleries.

But he is gone, and there is none like him. Although he may yet emerge as the first of a new breed,all that is certain is that he was the last of the old one. The era of the Irish politician culminated in Kennedy. He was born to the work and was at every stage in his life a “pro”. He rose on the willing backs of three generations of district leaders and county chairmen who, like Barabbas himself,may in the end have been saved for that one moment of recognition that someting special had appeared among them. That moment was in 1960 when the Irish party chieftains of the great Eastern and Midwestern cities, for reasons they could probably even now not fully explain, came tegether to nominate for President the grandson of Honey Fitz.

It was the last hurrah. He, the youngest and newest,served in the final moment of ascendancy. On the day he died, the President of the United States,the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Majority Leader of the United States Senate, the Chairman of the National Committee were all Irish all Catholic,all Democrats. It will not come again.” —– Daniel Patrick Moynihan 1964


Happy St Patrick’s Day to all who those who emigrated and to those who stayed.

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