Podcast on Spring Statement

I discuss the government’s Spring Statement with Cliff Taylor and Arthur Beesley in this Irish Times podcast.

Iceland’s Crisis and Recovery: facts, comparisons, and the lessons learned

Audio and slides from IIEA presentation by Icelandic Central Bank Governor Már Gudmundsson are available here.

Stability Programme Update

Available here.

Reminder: Tuesday event (A New Start for the Eurozone: Dealing with Debt)

I will present the CEPR Report on April 28th, 9am-10am

A New Start for the Eurozone: Dealing with Debt

Thomas Davis Theatre ( Room 2043), Arts Building , 9.00am – 10.00am on Tuesday 28th April 2015 . All welcome

New DCU MSc in Public Policy

DCU School of Law and Government have launched a new MSc in Public Policy:

The global financial crisis has exposed flaws in the policy making system in Ireland and elsewhere. Part of this relates to the technical capacity of policy makers to do effective public policy analysis. This is something recognised by the Irish state and the European Union as well as other international bodies as they attempt to increase the number of professionally qualified policy specialists working for them.

In response DCU is offering a bespoke, interdisciplinary course designed to suit the needs of a new generation of policy makers. It will be hosted in the School of Law and Government, but builds on links across the University and is a key part of a new Institute for Innovative Government (IIG).

This is a new type of professional degree – in many ways a parallel for those in the policy/government sector to an MBA in the commercial sector. It will have an intellectual base and methodological rigour that reflect the needs of a sector facing more nuanced and complex challenges.