Corporate Taxes and the Taxation of US Multinationals

A piece from the Irish Examiner today on the above is here.  And below are some exhibits of the figures used in the piece.

1. Corporate Tax Revenues in the EU15 since 1965

EU15 CT as a Share of Total Tax and GDP 1965-2018 mono

2. Income Statements of Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft in 2019

GAFAM Income Statements 2019

3. Profit and Tax of Apple Inc. from January 2010 to December 2019

Apple Tax Provisions and Cash Tax Paid 2010 to 2019

4. Stateless Entities in the OECD’s Country-by-Country Statistics, 2016

OECD CbCR data for Stateless 2016 All

5. Profit and Effective Taxes of Companies in Ireland by Jurisdiction of Ultimate Parent, 2016

OECD CbCR data for Ireland 2016 ETRs