Some Recent Pieces on Taxes, Incomes and Social Protection

Declan Jordan: Covid Crisis Shows Need for Basic Income Scheme

Rory O’Farrell: Time To Raise Taxes Not Cut Them

Laura Bambrick: The State of Sick Pay in Ireland is Sickening

Ciarán Nugent: Irish income figures exclude key sources of income for top earners and overstate the income of many low-wage workers

One reply on “Some Recent Pieces on Taxes, Incomes and Social Protection”

Declan Jordan’s piece is very interesting (I’m afraid I tend to discount the effusions from the left as they are presented in a frame of reference that either ignores, or relies on implicit, but unsound, assumptions about, the disposition of political and economic power).

The Finns recently completed their pilot study:

They limited it to 2,000 unemployed people.

I’m idir dhá chomhairle on this one. I acknowledge all the potential benefits Declan outlines, but I would worry about its application here given the dysfunction in the microeconomy. In addition, it would probably need fairly water-tight definitions of residency and enforcement.

I also suspect it would be gamed to the hilt by employers.

But a pilot scheme is certainly required – though probably for all citizens and residents in a clearly defined area.

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