The Life and Death of Protestant Businesses

I’ve been asked to take this post down for copyright reasons, though the draft is not the version that will eventually be published. It has in fact been changed to reflect a number of the points made here and in other discussions.

The Leading Dublin Manufacturing Firms of the 1920s: the presentation

Here’s the paper I presented to the Old Dublin Society the other night.  I had too many images to upload.  Only a few are included here:

A. Old Dublin Society JNL ART v5

The Leading Manufacturing Firms in 1920s Dublin

I am giving a public lecture to the Old Dublin Society in Pearse Street Library at 6pm tomorrow (Wednesday) on the above topic.

Details available at:

Free admission. All welcome.

Leavers and Remainers: Southern Ireland’s Exit from the United Kingdom

Some parallels – quite amazing to me – struck me as I was thinking over the summer about the Irish Convention of 1917. I’ve just written on this for the Dublin Review of Books:

The outward re-orientation of the 1950s and 1960s

T. K. Whitaker has been much eulogised over recent times, and rightly so. But, as he recognised himself in later life, he had not been infallible (is anyone, ever?) and others whom he opposed at the time deserved credit for their part in the outward re-orientation of the economy in the 1950s and 1960s.  In an article just published in the Dublin Review of Books, I offer an assessment of his significance over the period.