Irish Banks

The FT gives its view of the current state of play in this article.

Irish Economy Note No. 13: “Did the ECB Cause a Run on Irish Banks? Evidence from Disaggregated Data”

A revised version of Gary O’Callaghan’s paper is now available here as Irish Economy Note No. 13.

Don’t Start From Here

The Economist provides a useful summary of the pros and cons of taking on the holders of senior bank debt: you can read it here.

The new issue also has articles on contagion and the funding of Irish banks.

Ireland: A recession of the banks, by the banks, and for the banks

As flagged by Paul Krugman, P O’Neill writes on the Irish situation at A Fistful of Euros: you can read it here.    [Unlike some others on this site,  this economist picks his user name from a long Irish tradition, rather than relying on The Wire or former communist regimes for inspiration!]

Brian Lucey on banking policy

Brian Lucey provides a critique of the announcements in this article for the IT.

Update: Brian provides a more detailed explanation for why Anglo should be shut down in this Indo article.