Profile of Colm McCarthy

Colm McCarthy is profiled in today’s Irish Times: you can read it here.  (Includes several excerpts from his blogging on this site!)

4 replies on “Profile of Colm McCarthy”

One important correction is needed: Colm – the ‘true Dub’ – was born in Wexford.

When I first met Colm McCarthy twenty years ago he convinced me he was from South Kerry!

Wonderful man, brilliant mind; genuine and decent human being. The profile misses the point, Colm really cares about this country and where we are heading I wish him luck in his current role on An ‘Bord Snip II ‘.

Now that the ITimes is profiling him, does this mean he has shot his bolt, in the same way that the ITimes profiled the builders (in a series subsequently published as a book) as they began to fall?

Colm was “smart enough to work in Wall Street” – is that a backhanded compliment or was it meant to say “smart enough not to work in Wall Street”?

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