Another crisis conference — mark your diaries

Since the very timely and successful event organized by Colm McCarthy on January 12, the economic crisis in Ireland have evolved significantly. We’ve had the nationalization of Anglo Irish Bank, the break-down (and relaunch) of the partnership talks, the pension levy, the announcement of next week’s supplementary budget and a steady stream of deteriorating macroeconomic statistics.

No wonder Philip Lane and I feel a follow-up conference coming on.

We’re planning to cover not only the evolving medium term fiscal and growth prospects, but also the impact of the recession on inequality. We’ll also catch up on banking developments since January.

In addition to the organizers, confirmed speakers include John FitzGerald, Brian Nolan and Karl Whelan.

In order to give the budget time to be digested, we’re scheduling the event for the afternoon of Wednesday, May 20th. TCD will host. So mark your diaries now.

As with Colm’s event, it will be under the auspices of the Dublin Economics Workshop, free and open to all, but registration will be required. Send an email to to book your place.