Infiniti Finance Conference at TCD

TCD are hosting the Infiniti Conference on International Finance on June 8-9. Full details and booking forms are here. More information below the fold.

Sunday, 7 June 2009
1700-1900 Welcome Reception and Early Registration Dining Hall Foyer

Monday, 8 June 2009
0800-1800 Registration Desk Open Upper Concourse, Level 2, Arts Building

0830-0900 Welcome Walton Theatre
“Re-structuring, reform and re-regulation: what will finance look like in 2012?” Opening Remarks by Dan O’Brien, Senior Europe Editor/Economist, The Economist Intelligence Unit

0900-1030 Parallel Sessions 1

1030-1100 Tea & Coffee Upper Concourse

1100-1200 Plenary Session Walton Theatre
“Skewness and Systematic Risk” Robert F Engle,2003 Nobel Laureate and Michael Armellino Professor of Finance, Stern School of Business, NYU

1200-1300 Lunch (delegates’ own arrangements)

1300-1500 Special Session A Walton Theatre
“Moral Hazard in International Finance” : Speakers Sam Glucksberg, Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Princeton University; Nimi Wariboko, Katherine B Stuart Professor of Christian Ethics, Andover Newton Theological School (ANTS) ; Scott R Paeth, Religious Studies, DePaul University

1330-1500 Special Session B Emmet Theatre
“Asset Management and International Volatility” Speakers Diego Franzin, Head of Global Quantitative Research & Management, Pioneer Investment Management Ltd ; Joe Naughton, Head of Structured Products, Allied Irish Banks plc; Giuseppe Insalaco, Entrepreneur ; Marco Lazzarino, Head of Strategy Management Desk, MPS Asset Management Ireland Ltd

1500-1515 Tea & Coffee Upper Concourse

1515-1615 Special Session C Walton Theatre
“Is there value in Corporate Governance Rankings?” Speakers Raj Aggarwal, Dean, The University of Akron Business School; Sandra Dow, UQAM Université du Québec à Montréal; William Megginson, Rainbolt Chair of Finance, The University of Oklahoma; Roberta Romano, Yale Law School Center for the Study of Corporate Law
1615-1630 Tea & Coffee Upper Concourse
1630-1800 Parallel Sessions 2

Tuesday, 9 June 2009
0800-1800 Registration Desk Open Upper Concourse

0830-1000 Parallel Sessions 3

1000-1015 Tea & Coffee Upper Concourse

1015-1145 Parallel Sessions 4

1145-1200 Tea & Coffee Upper Concourse

1200-1300 Plenary Session Walton Theatre
“The recent global crisis and how to measure its contagion” Roberto Rigobon, Sloan School of Management, MIT

1300-1330 Lunch (delegates’ own arrangements)

1330-1500 Parallel Sessions 5

1500-1515 Tea & Coffee Upper Concourse

1515-1615 Special Session D Walton Theatre
“Financial Stability: Experiences on both sides of the Atlantic” Speakers Frank Browne, Head of Monetary Policy and Financial Stability, Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority, ; Gerald P Dwyer, Director of Center for Financial Innovation and Stability, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta ; James Lothian, Fordham University ;Maria J Nieto, Senior Advisor, Banco de España;Gerard Hertig, ETH Zentrum

Special Session E Emmet Theatre
“Research & Industry Interface in Sustainable and Ethical Investments” Speakers Constantin Gurdgiev, Trinity College Dublin, Steve Falci, KBC Asset Management ; Nick Robins, HSBC Bank Plc ; Dennis McLeavey, CFA Institute ; John Devitt, Transparency International Ireland

1615-1630 Tea & Coffee Upper Concourse

1630-1800 Parallel Sessions 6

1900 Conference Gala Dinner The Guinness Storehouse, St James’ Gate, Dublin 8

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