The CPB on the Great Recession

The invaluable Dutch CPB, on whose trade data Barry Eichengreen and I have been relying for our ongoing vox piece, has just published a book (in Dutch) on the Grote Recessie. They also have an accompanying website (in English) with lots of data and links, that at first glance looks to be a very nice resource indeed.

2 replies on “The CPB on the Great Recession”

Yes, thank you on behalf all those who may have a chance of saving their capital. This is on the one side a disgusting tragedy of greed and ignorance, but those who have openness, humility and faith may harvest something from this mess. An evolutionary event perhaps?

Will we re-learn the lessons of Jefferson?
On the other hand tethering the stupid by their greed does make technical progress more easy and keeps them out of the way …… Go the banks!

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