The Migration Information Source provides a nice overview of recent immigration and emigration patterns for Ireland: you can read it here.
The Migration Information Source provides a nice overview of recent immigration and emigration patterns for Ireland: you can read it here.
5 replies on “An Overview of Recent Migration Patterns”
This is a useful piece of work. Given that emigration seems to have being climbing steadily in the last few years towards the 40,000 mark and immigration is in precipitious decline, what are the odds that net (outward) migration will hit the 40,000 mark of 1989 ere long? I think I picked up (on another thread) that the CSO will be publishing figures for 2009 Q1 today? More grist for t’mill.
Once again, it looks like the emigration safety valve will help to save the bacon of a gloriously inept government.
T’Q2 figures are out. At a first read, and subject to the cautions that I have not looked at seasonal effects, and that the QNHS survey is subject to some error, I think we are past the 40k per annum net outard migration mark. From memory, the natural increase in population is of the order of 30k per annum. So a stable population would imply net outward migration of around 30k.
In fact, the Q2 data show the over-15 population falling by 7.7k between Q1 and Q2, which points to net outward migration possibly running significantly north of 40k per annum.
An equally interesting aspect of the QNHS release is that it gives some insight into the reasons why the rate of growth in unemployment has slowed. Clearly, net outward migration has made a contribution. But it looks from the published data as if public sector and financial services (now-quasi-public sector) employment has continued to grow significantly, at a time when I expected to see it falling.
Employment in Public administration and defence has gone up by 2.0k.
Employment in Human health and social work activities has gone up by 5.4k.
Employment in Financial, insurance and real estate activities has gone up by 5.2k.
I’m planning on looking into this in more detail, but at first cut it doesn’t look like great news for control of public expenditure.
Or perhaps I should say “now *partly* quasi-public sector”
@Con – “Employment in Financial, insurance and real estate activities has gone up by 5.2k.”.
I am amazed that’s the case. I know this market well and just can’t believe that figure shows an increase.
Oh well, it won’t stay that way for long. Need to cut costs further is coming down the line fast. I always pity the poor buggers left behind after large scale cuts in the FS sector – the amount of work usually stays at the same level but there are less people to do it aqnd the stress levels just keep going up.