CSO Seminar on Business Statistics in Ireland

2nd Business Statistics Seminar – 11 November 2009

The  theme  of  this  seminar  will be transport.  Transport is not only an important   economic   sector  but  also  a  sector  of  major  social  and environmental  importance.   As  concerns over cross-cutting issues such as health, sustainable travel and energy consumption have emerged, so have the demands for data.

CSO  is  continually striving to remain relevant to data users by compiling data on emerging developments and trends.

The  seminar  provides  an  ideal opportunity to hear about some of the new data  holdings  and  reports  being  developed  by CSO and learn about some ongoing research that is making use of CSO data.

The  seminar  also  offers a great chance to meet many of the CSO transport statisticians,  who will be happy to answer any questions you might have or discuss what data are available to best suit your needs.

The seminar will be of interest to:

– Firms and their representative organisations
– Government officials
– Academics and students
– Anyone interested in understanding transport, energy or the environment
in Ireland

Venue: Dublin Castle, Erin Room, Dublin 2

Time: 13.30

Date: November 11, 2009

To Register: Email: corporate.support@cso.ie
Contact: Sabrina Bowen @ 021-453 5495

Seminar Programme

1.30  Registration

2.00  Opening remarks – Richard McMahon, CSO

2.20  Using administrative data to estimate vehicle-kilometres for the
national vehicle fleet – Ken Moore, CSO

2.40  Freight Transport on the Island of Ireland – Dr. Eoin Maginnis,
InterTrade Ireland

3.00  Linking data to calculate air passenger-kilometres and emissions –
Sheona Gilsenan, CSO

3.20  Break

3.50  Moving the Irish Economy around the Globe: An overview of Irish
Shipping and Port Statistics – Glenn Murphy, Irish Maritime
Development Organisation

4.10  Developments in vehicle licensing & registration statistics – Gregg
Patrick, CSO

4.30  Discussion and closing remarks

2 replies on “CSO Seminar on Business Statistics in Ireland”

We are hugely dependent on fossil-fuel —– be interesting to see if the Nuclear Power option is addressed here …… France and Sweden etc ….. and Rail ……….. no reason [other than political and now financial] not to go both green and nuclear locally …… and reduce another major systemic risk as we have little influence on international factors ……… transport stats should provide some justification ……..

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