Wonktastic Statistical Yearbook Released

Better than a John Grisham novel for policy wonks, the statistical yearbook of Ireland 2011 has been released from the CSO. Lots to dig into here, but I guess readers of the blog will dig into chapters 8, 9, and 16 on the economypublic finances, and prices first (links are to the chapter pdfs).

The CSO’s detailed public finance data

The CSO publishes annually, as part of the National Income and Expenditure document, detailed tables related to the public finances, which are of particular interest in the context of the current urgent focus on fiscal policy, to the extent perhaps of providing a more useful starting point for multi-year fiscal plans than the traditional exchequer and budgetary formats, which are not fit for that purpose. Some details and links to data on all this follow.

CSO releases 2007 County Incomes and Regional GDP

The release can be found here.

While 2007 seems a long time ago it is interesting to see that county level household disposable incomes have been converging (since 2001 the differences between counties have converged back roughly to mid 90’s levels) but GVA has continued to diverge.

CSO Seminar on the Use of Administrative Data

Administrative Data Seminar – 22nd February 2010

– An added dimension to Official Statistics

Seminar Programme is now available.

Venue: Dublin Castle, Erin Room, Dublin 2
Time: 13.30
Date: February 22, 2010
To Register: Email: corporate.support@cso.ie
Contact: Sabrina Bowen @ 021-453 5495

The Central Statistics Office has for many years now been using administrative data to broaden the range, scope and depth of analysis that it can provide to support evidence based policy making. The seminar will highlight some of the achievements to date in this domain and hopefully provide a focus for further developments. The recently published NSB strategy highlighted the need to focus on the development of administrative data holdings and to accelerate the development of a coherent “whole-system” approach to official statistics that links CSO generated statistics with administrative data holdings.

The broad objectives of the seminar are

  • To promote enhanced engagement from stakeholders in the Irish Statistical System by providing concrete examples of the benefits that exploitation of administrative data and matching/linking of sources can provide;
  • To inform stakeholders of current activities and the potential benefits to them (e.g. greater range of statistics, more in-depth analysis, reduced respondent burden, more timely statistics ) from these activities;
  • To highlight what can be achieved when the necessary statistical infrastructure (unique identifiers, postal codes etc.) is in place right across the system.

CSO Seminar on Business Statistics in Ireland

2nd Business Statistics Seminar – 11 November 2009

The  theme  of  this  seminar  will be transport.  Transport is not only an important   economic   sector  but  also  a  sector  of  major  social  and environmental  importance.   As  concerns over cross-cutting issues such as health, sustainable travel and energy consumption have emerged, so have the demands for data.

CSO  is  continually striving to remain relevant to data users by compiling data on emerging developments and trends.

The  seminar  provides  an  ideal opportunity to hear about some of the new data  holdings  and  reports  being  developed  by CSO and learn about some ongoing research that is making use of CSO data.