Hyun Shin: New Advisory Position

Hyun Shin of Princeton has been among the most insightful analysts of the global crisis.  He now has taken on a new role: helping Korea in its presidency of the G20 during 2010, as chief advisor on international economics to the President of Korea .

You can learn more about his research here.

The announcement of the new position is here.

6 replies on “Hyun Shin: New Advisory Position”

“He now has taken on a new role: helping Korea in its presidency of the G20 during 2010, as chief advisor on international economics to the President of Korea”

Would that be South or North Korea?

Or is it all just Korea now?

“Shin served as an advisor to the Bank of England and is a member of the Financial Advisory Roundtable at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It is known that he recently accepted the offer for the presidential advisory post and will begin the year-long contract position from early next year”

So having advised the two most profligate central banks in the world he is qualified to advise the G20?

That sound’s about right.

If he has been infected by the monster of Jekyll island then the G20 will not help ameliorate the depression.

It looks like a decent world war is needed. When economic policy fails, steal and destroy.

The notion that Hyun Shin is somehow less qualified due to the actions of the Fed or the Bank of England is fatuous. His academic track record is superb.

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