2010 Bhagwati Award goes to Philip Lane

Congratulations to Philip for being the joint winner of the 2010 Bhagwati Award, together with his co-author Gian Maria Milesi-Ferreti. Their work has been extremely influential, and this recognition is richly deserved.

11 replies on “2010 Bhagwati Award goes to Philip Lane”

Huzzah to Philip! Winning international awards at the same time as running this blog is no mean feat! Keep up the good work.

@Philip Lane

Congratulations & Well Done!

PaddyPower.com again slashes the odds on a Nobel from the blog emerging in next 10 years or so. The heterodox around here also have to sharpen up a fair bit.

Congratulations, Philip.

The challenge for the rest of us is to get this Republic’s macro-economic policy-making, implementation and fiscal management up to the level you have achieved and to maintain it at that level, regardless of cycles – business and electoral.

Congrats – it’s one of those excellent projects that’s a huge contribution in its own right and also an enabler for more contributions, the ‘standing on the shoulders’ argument, because researchers can take these and explore the relation of finance to a range of areas.

Richly deserved.

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