Ireland’s Last Big Bank Failure: Any Lessons for Today?

The next seminar hosted by the Centre for Financial Markets (CFM) will take place tomorrow Thursday November 18 between 2-3pm at the Smurfit School of Business, Carysfort Avenue, UCD. The venue for the paper is Room N304.

The paper is to be given by Cormac O’ Grada (UCD)
Ireland’s Last Big Bank Failure: Any Lessons for Today?

This paper is being presented in association with the Science  Foundation Ireland (SFI) Strategic Research Cluster (SRC) in the area of Financial Mathematics and Computation.

8 replies on “Ireland’s Last Big Bank Failure: Any Lessons for Today?”

If it’s not giving away too much, what was Ireland’s last big bank failure? My general knowledge seems to be letting me down.

(Please forgive an off-topic post to mention that Bill Black (Bill Black for Director of Corporate Enforcement!) has put up the first article in a post-Kilkenomics series on the (current) Irish banking saga.)

Is that the same as Sadliers bank in Tipperary town sometime around 1885? I often heard anecdotal stories about it in my youth. The locals, thinking that the money was still in the bank went in to Tipperary town with pickaxes and crowbars to break into the bank and reclaim their meagre savings.

I have a pick and crowbar. Any chance of a few euros still in Anglo or Nationwide.

any truth about a run on Anglo? Heard that there were a lot of “human errors” taking place so that withdrawals are taking a lot longer than they should…Presumably they are sending a bill over to Dame Street every night?

See also a summary of “Three Centuries of Irish banking crises” By Tom Conlon in the Journal of the Genealogical Society of Ireland Vol 11 published Oct 2010 starting from the failure of Curtis & Mead’s bank 1727 through to the various bank strikes of the 20th century

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