October 25 Events: Reminder

On Tuesday October 25th, Trinity College Dublin will host a public roundtable on the European Debt Crisis, as part of the Policy Institute’s 2011-2012 Henry Grattan Lecture Series. This event will take place 4pm-5.45pm.  The event is free – all welcome.  Please let Helen Murray at Policy Institute know if you plan to come along (policy.institute at tcd.ie).

Co-hosted by the IIIS, this will feature some very good international experts:

  • Mike Dooley (UC Santa Cruz)
  • Peter Boone (LSE)
  • Jean Pisani-Ferry (Bruegel)
  • Ciaran O’Hagan (Societe Generale)

More details are available here.

Before the public policy event, there will also be a IIIS research workshop on October 25th from 12-3 in the IIIS seminar room, with presentations by

  • Mike Dooley, TBA
  • Alan Ahearne and Guntram Wolff, “The Debt Challenge in Europe”
  • Kristin Forbes and Frank Warnock, “Capital Flow Waves: Surges, Stops, Flight and Retrenchment
  • Philip R. Lane and Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti, “External Adjustment and the Global Crisis”

6 replies on “October 25 Events: Reminder”

Presumably the man from SocGen will urge more austerity. And everyone to do it similtaneously but on the assumption that nobody else is doing it.

Could someone ask where does austerity go ?
In a closed system it must flow somewhere…. right ? – its the most basic of physics really.

Presumably dr aheaene will not comment on hus role in ensuring that Ireland in Europe is saddled with unpayable debt, nor refer to the European dimension in same?

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