Consultation Process for Technological University Status

The HEA has posted the consultation document, a report from Simon Marginson and the various submissions here.

5 replies on “Consultation Process for Technological University Status”

Privatise the whole sector. Best way of testing market value. Surely given the importance of Third Level to national recovery, the support from various MNCs and professional bodies would see the process through to success.

I wonder what the actual cost of third level education is for the individual student. May induce systemic shock?

Reading Ed Walshs new book on the founding and development of UL.
Well worth a read for the shennanigans that were at play!!!
Have we changed??

I must have a look at Ed Walsh’s book. I recall some of the debate when the NIHE’s became universities. I questioned why they might be designated Technical Universities or Universities of Technology. My argument was that the State’s technical infrastrucuture and industry had been well served by graduates of the exisiting universities. Also, there was no evidence that so called Technological Universities would have a majority of their students in engineering or technological disciplies. Has this changed or are the majority of students in the IT sector studying engineering and applied sciences?

Oh, way beyond my knowledge on a Sunday night!
Have to recommend the book.
In fact it should be required reading for anyone involved in an IOT progression to TU!

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