The 2012 Geary Lecture: ‘Skill, Job Control and the Quality of Work: the Changing Research Agenda’

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3 replies on “The 2012 Geary Lecture: ‘Skill, Job Control and the Quality of Work: the Changing Research Agenda’”

The lecture examines the contrasting visions of the trends in the quality of work that have dominated the sociological debate over the last fifty years. It focuses particularly on arguments about changes in skill and job control, which have been seen as crucial both for employee motivation and well-being. It shows the very substantial progress that has been made in recent decades in British research in providing empirical evidence about the changing nature of work. This has helped to resolve some of the most controversial issues in the debate, but at the same time has raised major new issues for the research agenda. Different national studies appear to reveal rather different patterns of change over time and there is evidence of significant differences between countries in work quality. It argues that future progress in the field depends on the growth of cross-national comparative research.

Hope to see Duncal Gallie’s lecture posted here: Ministers Burton, Quinn, & Bruton might even pop in for a little up-skilling themselves!

@DO’D: “Ministers Burton, Quinn, & Bruton might even pop in for a little up-skilling themselves!”

If I was a bouncer on the door, I would refuse them entry. They’re toxic. Though I would make sure to have an independent (if such exists) camera crew on hand.

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