Public Lecture – The Economics of the Fiscal Compact

See announcement here.

12 replies on “Public Lecture – The Economics of the Fiscal Compact”

Great Idea. I hope to attend. Hopefully there will be a podcast otherwise.

My main concern about this treaty is that our ability to adopt Keynesian stimulus will be subject to approval by other states. Given the behaviour of other states over the last few years and the way their domestic politics has influenced them on EU matters, I am a quite worried by this.

I think a follow up lecture entitled “the Politics of the Fiscal Compact” wouldn’t go amiss. You can’t have one without the other.


The The School was formed in 2005 and comprises the Departments of Economics, Philosophy, Political Science and Sociology, together with the Policy Institute.

Must be silent partners! Still amazed at the Tsunami of Thundering Silence from Irish Academia ….. (a few notable local exceptions excepted)

No sign of the representative from The Sainly Columbanus Bank AG! Wonder did Philip FIRE ‘im for insufficiently declaring his interests?


Indeed. The politics of the agreement, and of the future administration of the agreement are important, and somewhat imponderable given that it is to be hoped that the Fiscal Compact’s main function is to provide political cover for the real reforms which are needed.

In the meantime, this lecture is very welcome insofar as it may explain the benefits and limits of the Fiscal Compact in and of itself.

Hopefully it will clarify the extent to which the fiscal Compact does or doesn’t enforce a particular economic ‘ideology’ and the legitimacy of same. We have suffered at the hands of the accepted ‘ideology’ of the Washington consensus. Will this Treaty allow for individual countries to go against prevailing ‘ideologies’ in the future.

At the moment the swedish model, e need for oversight by a fiscal council, and debt brakes are very much in vogue. For the most part, I agree with these things but they should not be accepted without question on foot of politicians part regurgitation of information they don’t understand. We need to understand the variations and exceptions to these rules.

I would also like to hear an analysis of the legal impact of the Fiscal Compact. What enforcement options are open? How will it affect sovereign debt issuance and sovereign debt enforcement?

David ODonnell
I think Dr Gurdgiv is in a different school. At least he was when he lectured me.

Best of luck with the presentation. It’s good to see this sort of engagement with the public. Such a pity there wasn’t advance notice of the Bank Guarantee.

Breaking Newz

Text from Blind Biddy:

‘In Frankfurt for International Women’s Day – We’re gonna have a Bonfire of those Fiscal Corsets … home soon!’

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