Data journalism handbook

Via the excellent Flowing data, an interesting free guidebook: the Data Journalism Handbook.

Worth a look, including for the link to a rather good interactive data visualisation from the New York Times of 2009 “The Jobless Rate for People Like You“.

7 replies on “Data journalism handbook”

Not sure but
“New Ross Port mainly imports fertiliser, coal and animal feed, which Captain Foley admitted are all down, and exports scrap, iron and some animal feed. The main export was ore from Galmoy Mines, which have now closed”

McCarthy has his beady eyes on this also.
The fact that we need smaller Ports so as to reduce expensive truck miles seems beyond him I imagine.
(Tramp coasters are needed for a island such as ours with little Rail transport)
When you let these Ports go “to save money” you externalise the costs to private companies.
I guess in makes sense from a market state perspective – when states not only provide the commons but are expected to transfer a interest surplus also for the privallgae.
Its a sick world out there PR.
The commons was so 20th century I suppose.
See (Goggle)

An uncertain future for New Ross port – News … – New Ross Standard

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