Central Bank: Head of Research and Cross Directorate Projects; Head of Financial Stability Division

Head of Research and Cross Directorate Projects – details here.

Head of Financial Stability Division – details here.

5 replies on “Central Bank: Head of Research and Cross Directorate Projects; Head of Financial Stability Division”

Presumably the financial stability division still works out of a submarine in the Liffey

Evidently they are still only doing by halves – shouldn’t they have a Really Really Fecked-off Directorate by now. “Cross” sends out a slightly namby- pamby message.


If anybody had told the central bank there was a massive property bubble in Ireland–they would acted immediately on it. Many congratulations on all the excellent work by a inspired group of professionals.

It’s likely you will feature in all future economic textbooks.

In the case of financial stability….its a case of second time lucky 🙁 A Manager leading a team of economists there is a comedy show in that….

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