Quarterly National Household Survey

The Q3 2012 QNHS has been released by the CSO.

This is the first release to incorporate the results of Census 2011.  The population estimate used by the CSO at the time of the census was almost 100,000 lower than the figure provided by the census.  An information notice gives the impact this revised population estimate has on the QNHS results.

14 replies on “Quarterly National Household Survey”

Related net emigration data would make the report more useful.

One legacy from Micheál Martin’s lexicon in the enterprise department is the term ‘quality jobs,’ which is surely an insult to many workers.

The FT reported earlier this week that UK employment in professional occupations – which include lawyers, accountants and management consultants – – has grown more than 230,000, or 4.4%, since early 2010, the fastest increase of any group. The second fastest rise has been in associate professional and technical occupations, which range from engineering technicians and IT support staff to financial advisers, graphic designers and sports coaches. Managers have also grown in number.

At the bottom of the pyramid, there has also been a rise in the numbers of waiters, bar staff, kitchen assistants, security guards and cleaners.

So those ‘quality’ people will always create work for the rest!

@ Michael Hennigan

The kind of fits with my own impression that Ireland and the UK are following the model in the US of creating a larger upper and lower class and carving out the middle.
Elizabeth Warren gave an excellent lecture to Harvard students where she explained how this was happening in the US Called the coming collapse of the middle class.

I think the reason we are following the lead of the US so fast has a lot to do with the multinationals here but more generally its a lot to do with globalization where decent paying manufacture jobs are going to Asia.

Ireland at the moment are not obviously getting growth in the lower end jobs but i think if the economy returns to some sort of normal level it may occur.

The CSO continue not to focus on the big issue which is the disproportional hit young people especially young men have taken. This will have disastrous long term effects. The longer they ignore it the longer they can avoid making tough decisions.

@ Eamon Moran

I think you could call it the Penneys model. There’s a Penneys shop in Ballina. Far and away the most impressive shop in the town which is relatively poor. Penneys sell clothes at rock bottom prices. Many people shop there because they don’t have the purchasing power to go elsewhere. Everything is sourced via a very long supply chain that starts in China. The only Irish jobs in the process are in sales and distribution. Even though the clothes are cheap they are part of the problem of unemployment in the town.

Ballina had an unemployment rate of 15% in April 2006 — the craziest year of the bubble — according to Census 2006. “Why so because?” my son used to ask when young, I don’t know!

@ Eamon Moran

When I first visited the Philippines in 1986, I was surprised that security guards in shops carried guns in holsters. In Malaysia, it is generally only seen in banks.

I do wonder sometimes when I see security guards in so many places, including where I live, how long I would last myself before being brain dead?

I worked in a company in Jeddah with 14 different nationalities. What keeps people going is aspiration. So for example, Burmese, Filipinos or Nepalese working in Kuala Lumpur are sustained by dreams of going back home and improving the possibilities in their lives.

However in the West, the impact of globalisation and technology providing huge gains for some but leaving most in their wake, is a scary scenario.

Where people have no hope of improvement for themselves or their children, why wouldn’t they just be ‘takers’ as the privileged in the US call them?

I recently referred to Apple’s Apps economy with a small few winners and half the payments going overseas from the US.

Simply, an American freelance developer is competing in a global lottery with few winners.

The ‘free’ model on the web has been part of this development and Cisco, Google and a few others are like the suppliers of shovels and pickaxes during the California gold rush, — among the few winners.

So in Ireland the main focus of enterprise policy is on supporting mainly those from higher class levels, who can do well whether a public supported enterprise succeeds or fails.

The target to become a ‘world class knowledge’ economy has been moved forward to 2020 and media outlets like The Irish Times provide platforms for professors seeking public funds, without any reality check on the €23bn in real terms that has been spent in the past decade — again, the facts are: no net jobs growth in the past decade and patent applications at a 30-year low.

My son Michael is doing relatively well despite the recession, in a business he set up 18 months ago and he has got nothing from a public agency.

It’s not ‘quality’ work.

Meanwhile, Minister Bruton who last Friday issued a brochure on the Green Economy, today launched a ‘scheme’ to have indigenous firms target €80bn of multinational procurement.

The question on why nobody thought of that over 50 years could rank with the fourth secret of Fatima!

Only 6 this time before the Ps bashing started “a platform for professors seeking funds”. Stone them stone them

@ MH

“The question on why nobody thought of that over 50 years could rank with the fourth secret of Fatima!”

Private Eye had a cartoon on that theme recently. A Board meeting around a table and one of them says “I have an idea. Why don’t we design a product that will be incredibly successful”


globalisation goes hand in hand with plutocracy. It isn’t by chance that 75% of income gains in the last 10 years or whatever in the US went to the top 1%. It is easy to blame everything on globalisation while the rich get richer on the backs of everyone else. The banks of the world are full of people who think the world owes them a massive bonus for achieving a return on capital equivalent to that of a utility.

@ seafóid

It’s true that globalisation is not the only factor and most economic issues cannot be distilled into a soundbite.

However, outsourcing overseas and the related demise of trade unions in the US, has been a key factor in keeping general pay down.

The Wall Street Journal reported last June that firms were cringing at the prospect of having to reveal their CEO/average pay ratio.

Total direct compensation for 248 CEOs at public companies rose 2.8% last year, to a median of $10.3 million, according to an analysis by The Wall Street Journal and Hay Group. A separate AFL-CIO analysis of CEO pay across a broad sample of S&P 500 firms showed the average CEO earned 380 times more than the typical US worker. In 1980, that multiple was 42.

Wide gaps in pay can affect employee morale, productivity and turnover, several studies have found. In the 1980s, management guru Peter Drucker advocated capping the ratio of CEO pay to average worker pay at 20 to 1. Beyond that, resentment creeps in, according to the think tank Drucker Institute. In 2010, a joint study by Northeastern University’s business school and Bentley University found that employee productivity decreases as the disparity between CEO and worker pay increases.

The general demise of trade unions is part of the system. It’s easier to keep pay down when people aren’t organised.

Better for shareholders until of course demand falls because nobody has enough to sustain a consumer lifestyle.

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