New from Department of Finance

8-3-2013 Monthly Economic Bulletin – March 2013
7-3-2013 Department of Finance Annual Review
7-3-2013 Ireland’s Report Card March 2013
7-3-2013 Report on Recommendations of Internal and External reviews of GG Debt Statistics
7-3-2013 Opening address by Secretary General to Public Accounts Committee

One reply on “New from Department of Finance”

Ireland’s Report Card: The EZ ‘success’ story!

‘Effective’ unemployment rate: 20+%

Debt/GNP: ~150%

Deficit: 7/8%

Odious Financial System Debt: €60+ billion

Gini coeff.: increasing

Political progress: Fianna Fail leading in polls

Social justice: disabled and lower echelons disproportionately hammered

Upper echelons: practically untouched

Dominant ideology: cutehoorism

Dominant philosophy: to have is to be

Cornflake consumption: first in the world

Outlook: optimistic!

Inlook: pessimistic


Ta for links.

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