Understanding the Changing Worlds of Capitalism:
New Perspectives on the Political Economy of Work, Production and Employment Regimes
A Research Conference
NIRSA/ Sociology
May 1st 2013, Renehan Hall, NUI Maynooth
Sponsored by the European Research Council and the Irish Research Council
The various forms of capitalism are in crisis, as are many of the theories that have dominated understandings of capitalism in recent decades. This conference draws together leading international scholars to examine changing European capitalisms, with a particular focus on how the organisation of work, employment and production regimes is changing. We explore how theories must shift to account for changing capitalisms.
Speakers include Dorothee Bohle, Rossella Ciccia, Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Eoin Flaherty, Béla Greskovits, Peer Hull Kristensen, Frances McGinnity, Lars Mjoset, Mary Murphy, Seán Ó Riain, Luis Ortiz, Karen Shire, Markus Tünte.
Full programme and information here.
The conference explores a variety of theories of political economy (e.g. Polanyian, institutionalist, pragmatist); different forms of capitalism in Europe (liberal, Christian democratic, social democratic, post-socialist, Mediterranean); and various institutions shaping work (e.g. welfare regimes, industrial relations, family, transnational work and technological change).
Registration is free but places are limited.
Please register here.
Enquiries to newdeals@nuim.ie
Click here for information on how to get to NUI Maynooth Campus by road or rail
2 replies on “Conference on “Understanding the Changing Worlds of Capitalism”, May 1st”
The most interesting model of capitalism today is in China, the world’s second biggest economy.
In significant ways, it resembles classic nineteen century capitalism in Europe and US with substantial collateral damage. However, there has been a dramatic number of people who have been lifted out of poverty in recent decades.
It should be on your agenda as the rise of emerging economies will have an impact on what models survives in Europe in coming decades.
Keep in mind that absent property booms and huge cross-border capital flows, Europe would still today be facing a growth crisis as it was in the 1990s.
I would love to go but won’t manage it this time. Nar laga Dia sibh.