Macro Vacancy at Nevin Institute

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5 replies on “Macro Vacancy at Nevin Institute”

“The successful applicant will empathise with the values and ethos of the trade union movement. ”

Could they seriously expect someone with a doctorate in economics to be interested with the above requirement.
Seems a bit like looking for a physicist who strongly empathizes with catholicism.

But they need talent, the embarassment of miscounting 100k+ earners shouldn’t be repeated.

“a bit like looking for a physicist who strongly empathizes with catholicism”

Like oh I don’t know Georges Lemaître or somebody.

Perhaps if they advertised for someone, anyone, who knew the bad consequences of exponential functions (in the context of physical systems). Someone, anyone, who knew and understood the Laws of Thermodynamics and the consequence of the Second Law in particular – for economic systems.

What they actually need is a ‘generalist’ – someone who knows a lot about a lot, not an ignorant expert who knows a lot about a little. Fat chance!

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