Conference at UL: Reform in the Aftermath of the Crisis

Reform in the Aftermath of the Crisis:

Exploring Agenda for Health, Political and Financial Reform

Admission is free, but spaces are limited. We hope to see you there on the day.  If you can make it please RSVP to

Date: 19 September 2013

Venue:      Pavilion, University of Limerick

Time:        0930 – 16h30



Registration & Coffee

Welcome by Professor Paul McCutcheon

Vice President Academic and Registrar , University of Limerick


Seminar 1: Political and Health Care Reform

Chair: Dr. Maura Adshead, Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Limerick

Dr. Colin Doherty, Consultant Neurologist

St. James’s Hospital and Trinity College Dublin



Professor David Farrell, School of Politics and International Relations, University College Dublin

Audience Contribution and Discussion led by Dr. Chris McInerney, Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Limerick


Complimentary lunch Served at the Pavilion





Seminar 2: Economic and Financial Reform

Chair: Professor Helena Lenihan, Department of Economics, Kemmy Business School , University of Limerick

Professor Stephan Gerlach

Deputy Governor, The Central Bank of Ireland

Fiona Muldoon

Head of Banking and Insurance Regulation, The Central Bank of Ireland

Audience Contribution and Discussion led by Ross Maguire, co-founder of New Beginnings ‘A movement of mortgage holders’


Close and Thanks

By Stephen Kinsella

Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of Limerick.

4 replies on “Conference at UL: Reform in the Aftermath of the Crisis”

I’d pay good money to go to a conference that went in depth into the reasons why genuine reform is virtually impossible in Ireland

@ Seafoid,

You’d need deep pockets! Such conference might go on for a long, long time.

Lots of reasons are suggested as to why reform is so difficult to achieve even within liberal democracies with an avowed commitment to reform. Here’s a couple: first, by its nature, politics is path dependent; second, over the past two decades the preoccupation within democratic societies has shifted towards ideals about ‘transparency’ of government processes and away from debate about the responsibility of government to act, or consideration of what constitutes ‘good’ or ‘bad’ policy. Add to this the revolution in mass media/communications and the consequential pressures for immediacy of political response to every concern. The end result is that democratic governments are motivated more by terror of negative public reaction and criticism of their initiatives than whether or not policy decisions serves long term interests or strategic objectives.

There’s nothing unique to Ireland about such difficulties. The distinguishing variable in our case is supplied in the gravy that is poured over this democratic dogs’ dinner – the effect, or otherwise, of national political culture.

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