Conference: Financing SMEs in Economic Recovery

Conference: Financing SMEs in Economic Recovery
ESRI, 26/09/2014, 8.30am -1pm

The ESRI will hold a half-day conference focusing on the bank and non-bank financing environment of SMEs in economic recovery. The research presented aims to contribute to a policy environment that facilitates a smooth recovery in the SME sector. Programme outline below:


08.30 Registration and Coffee
09.00 Welcome: Professor Frances Ruane, Director, ESRI
09.05 Opening Address: Simon Harris, T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Finance

Evidence on SME Financing: Ireland in a European Perspective
Chair: Fergal McCann, Central Bank of Ireland

09.30 Which Firms Apply for Credit in the Euro Area?
Annalisa Ferrando, European Central Bank

10.00 SME Financing Landscape in Ireland: A Comparative Perspective
Conor O’Toole, Economic and Social Research Institute

10.30 Tea/Coffee

Policy Objectives and Supports for Funding SMEs
Chair: Niall O’Donnellan, Enterprise Ireland

11.00 SME Default in Ireland
Tara McIndoe-Calder, Central Bank Ireland

11.30 Policy Options for SME Financing in Ireland
Martina Lawless, Economic and Social Research Institute


12.00 Roundtable discussion
Chair: John Hogan, Department of Finance

Participants: Loretta O’Sullivan (BoI), Patricia Callan (Small Firms Association), John O’Sullivan (ACT Venture Capital ), Nick Ashmore (SBCI), Garrett Murray (Enterprise Ireland )

Please register at:

By Edgar Morgenroth

Professor of Economics at Dublin City University Business School

One reply on “Conference: Financing SMEs in Economic Recovery”

Who is going to lend to SMEs given the still unwell banking system ? The old credit transmission mechanism in the EZ remains challenging. SME lending is messy at the best of times even with a healthy banking system. Is there going to be anyone from the shadow banking sector ?

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