Dublin Economics Workshop 2014

This year the DEW, kindly sponsored by the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, will be held at the River Lee Hotel in Cork City on Friday and Saturday, the 17th and 18th of October. This year’s programme is here.

All bookings and reservations for the event can be made from here.

This is the 37th DEW annual conference and will begin with a number of parallel sessions on Friday afternoon.  Over the two days there will presentations across a range of topics from 35 people including policymakers, academics, commentators and members of the business community. 

On Friday evening Jerry Dwyer of Clemson University will give a plenary session on ‘quantitative easing’ while the final session on Saturday will be a panel discussion on ‘fiscal policy for the long haul’ and will include a contribution from Robert Watt, Secretary-General of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. 

2 replies on “Dublin Economics Workshop 2014”

Looking forward to the ‘corsets burning’ session on the ‘fiscal’!

Text from Mad Oul Jozie down_the_road … her relative?

an anonymous verse entitled Of Female Complaint and published in a local Cork newspaper in 1814?

Custom, alas! does partial prove, nor give us even measure,

A pain it is for maids to love, but ‘tis to men a pleasure.

They freely can their thoughts disclose, but ours must burn within;

We have got eyes and tongues in vain, And truth from us is sin.

Men to new joys and conquests fly, and yet no hazards run,

Poor we are left if we deny, And if we yield, undone;

Then equal laws let custom find, Nor thus the sex oppress,

More freedom grant to womankind, Or give to mankind less.


Recent threads on this blog have made it plain that pre-budget debate in Ireland is essentially a factional contest, in which various sectoral interests seek the favour of the exchequer using carefully concocted statistics and loudly vocalised rhetoric.

Faced with this spectacle, those of us who do not expect the government to make us wealthy, or to provide essential services for free, will be quite content to see legal limits on fiscal deficits remain firmly in place.

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