The Irish public sector in European perspective

A Round-Table event organized by the Research Programme on Building State Capacity in Ireland, UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy

Phelan Room, National University of Ireland (NUI), 49 Merrion Square

Friday 23 January 2015

9:00-9:25 Registration
9.25 Welcome (Prof Niamh Hardiman, UCD)

Session 1
9.30-10.45 – Public sector reform: trends in Europe and elsewhere

Chair: Prof Niamh Hardiman, Director of the Public Policy Programme, UCD
Prof Edoardo Ongaro (Professor of International Public Services Management, Northumbria University and President of the European Group for Public Administration)


Robert Watt (Secretary General, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform) Dr. Muiris MacCarthaigh (Queen’s University, Belfast)
Dr. Richard Boyle (Institute of Public Administration, Dublin)

10.45-11.15 coffee

Session 2
11.15-12.30 – Delivering public services in new ways

Chair: Prof Philip O’Connell, Director, UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy
Prof Koen Verhoest, (Professorship of Comparative Public Administration and Globalization, University of Antwerp)


Prof Colin Scott (Principal of the College of Human Sciences, UCD)
Prof Tony Fahey (Vice-Principal for Research and Innovation, College of Human Sciences, UCD)

This event is supported by UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy.

Admission is are free but places are limited.

Please reserve a place by emailing by 5pm on Friday 16 January 2015. Please indicate clearly whether you wish to attend Session 1, Session 2, or both:

Session 1, 9.30-10.45 – Public sector reform: trends in Europe and elsewhere Session 2, 11.15-12.30 – Delivering public services in new ways

By Stephen Kinsella

Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of Limerick.

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