Call for Proposals DEW Conference 2015

The Dublin Economics Workshop will hold its annual economic policy conference at the Hodson Bay Hotel in Athlone October 16th and 17th next. Proposals in any area of economic policy are invited and should be forwarded, ideally before September 4th, to both of the following: and

Programme and booking details will be circulated in due course. The Dublin Economics Workshop is kindly sponsored by Dublin Chamber of Commerce.

4 replies on “Call for Proposals DEW Conference 2015”

After last year’s poorly attended effort in Cork, perhaps it’s time to have a decent burial of this event that appears to have outlived its usefulness – or will the well-heeled Jackeens find their way to Athlone when they struggled to set the satnav for Cork?. In any event, a slightly more restrained variation of the group-think, greed and stupidity that infected the property, banking and financial sectors and subverted fiscal policy prior to 2008 has taken hold again. As we head in to an election who gives a damn about economic policy?

Hats off to Colm McCarthy for promoting this event.
A better understanding, heretofore, of economic and social issues may have saved the country, or at least a large minority within the country a lot of pain.

One issue that might be considered for a paper is a detailed look at BRRD.
I have been struggling to get any clear understanding of what is involved, and how it interlinks with the DGS scheme, and the crucial issue of where depositors come in the pecking order following collapse.

The most readable version I have come across so far, is the attached link in relation to Sweden.

[But perhaps such a topic may scare the horses!]

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