The Annual RSA conference is on in Trinity College, Dublin this year from the 4th to the 7th of June. The programme looks fascinating. Harvard’s Ricardo Hausmann is among the keynote speakers.
Given the extended discussions being had across Ireland on housing policy, on spatial modeling and on ‘balanced regional development’, it promises to be a good conference.
One reply on “Regional Studies Association Annual Conference”
Ricardo Hausmann is a former planning minister of Venezuela and is a trenchant critic of Chavism. In 2014, Nicolas Madura, the president and former bus driver who is presiding over collapse of the Venezuela, reacted with fury to the suggestion that his country should default. The Harvard newspaper reported on it:
A future problem for spatial planning with the decline of manufacturing is that services cluster in urban areas while manufacturing plants bring jobs to the countryside in standalone plants such as Eli Lilly’s drugs plant between Bandon and Kinsale.