Low Pay Commission Research Bursaries

The Irish Low Pay Commission is currently seeking applications for two Research Bursaries of €25,000 each. The purpose of these bursaries is to provide the Commission with more evidence and research in the areas of low pay and the Irish labour market.

Applicants must be full-time researchers with a proven track record in producing high quality peer reviewed research, or PhD students who are enrolled in a PhD programme.

For further information on the bursary and the requirements please see


Applicants will be requested to send their completed application, form as well as a C.V to secretarylpc@welfare.ie by the 28th February 2020.

the application form is available at the links above and is fairly straightforward

Reminder: Irish Economic Association Annual Conference 2017

Registration is open for the 31st Annual Irish Economic Association Annual Conference which will be held in the Institute of Banking in Dublin on Thursday May 4th and Friday May 5th, 2017.


The ESR guest lecture will be given by Professor Deirdre McCloskey (University of Illinois at Chicago) and the Edgeworth Lecture by Professor John Muellbauer (University of Oxford).

The registration fee is €130 and €75 respectively for staff and students belonging to a member institution or with individual membership and €230 and €105 respectively for staff and students who are non-members. Details of Institutional membership can be found at :     http://www.iea.ie/membership-of-the-iea/

You can register for the conference at: https://iea2017.exordo.com

There will be 81 presentations across a wide range of topics and the full programme is available at:


the standard of submissions is high this year, hopefully we will see you there.