Crowd-sourcing call: the Irish Revolution Project

Battista Severgnini (Copenhagen Business School) and I are currently working on a project on the Irish movement of Independence (1913-1921). The project investigates the determinants of joining the rebellion movement. In particular, we explore whether the famine played a role in the probability of joining rebellion activities. Controlling for the level of economic development and other potential concurring factors, we test the role of the great Irish famine as an exceptional legacy of rebellion during the movement of independence. The working paper is available here: The Deep Roots of Rebellion: Evidence from the Irish Revolution.

As part of our project, we have matched the list of Rebels (Easter Rising, War of Independence) from the Military Archives with the 1911 Irish Census. At the moment, the matching rate is 17% and we would like to improve on this. We are currently engaging in crowd-sourcing and we would be delighted if you could help us with this task. If a member of your family took part in the Irish movement of independence (Easter Rising, War of Independence), please contact us ( We will make sure to add them to our data set. You can also visit our website for more information:

Thank you for your help in constructing our data set!