Irish Economy Conference: Learning from Crisis

Organised by ESRI, UCD, the Geary Institute, UL and the University of Stirling, the theme for this year’s conference is  “Learning from Crisis”. The venue is the Institute of Banking (map), North Wall Quay, Dublin 1 on  25th February 2015.

To cover costs of room hire and tea/coffee, there will be a charge  of 40 euros, and you can pay here. [[Please note, registration has now closed.]]

Students, unemployed, and OAPs can avail of a reduced rate of 10 euros, and can pay here. [[Please note, registration has now closed.]]

The Programme is below.

The Irish public sector in European perspective

A Round-Table event organized by the Research Programme on Building State Capacity in Ireland, UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy

Phelan Room, National University of Ireland (NUI), 49 Merrion Square

Friday 23 January 2015

9:00-9:25 Registration
9.25 Welcome (Prof Niamh Hardiman, UCD)

Session 1
9.30-10.45 – Public sector reform: trends in Europe and elsewhere

Chair: Prof Niamh Hardiman, Director of the Public Policy Programme, UCD
Prof Edoardo Ongaro (Professor of International Public Services Management, Northumbria University and President of the European Group for Public Administration)


Robert Watt (Secretary General, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform) Dr. Muiris MacCarthaigh (Queen’s University, Belfast)
Dr. Richard Boyle (Institute of Public Administration, Dublin)

10.45-11.15 coffee

Session 2
11.15-12.30 – Delivering public services in new ways

Chair: Prof Philip O’Connell, Director, UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy
Prof Koen Verhoest, (Professorship of Comparative Public Administration and Globalization, University of Antwerp)


Prof Colin Scott (Principal of the College of Human Sciences, UCD)
Prof Tony Fahey (Vice-Principal for Research and Innovation, College of Human Sciences, UCD)

This event is supported by UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy.

Admission is are free but places are limited.

Please reserve a place by emailing by 5pm on Friday 16 January 2015. Please indicate clearly whether you wish to attend Session 1, Session 2, or both:

Session 1, 9.30-10.45 – Public sector reform: trends in Europe and elsewhere Session 2, 11.15-12.30 – Delivering public services in new ways

Irish Economy Conference Feb 25: Save the Date

 On February 25th the fourth annual Irish economy conference, organised by the ESRI, UCD and University of Limerick, will take place. The venue is the Institute of Bankers. Details of the previous three events are below. A full programme and details of how to register will be provided shortly.
If you’d like to suggest sessions or speakers, please do use the comment box below.

Irish Economic Policy Conference 2014: Economic Policy after the Bailout

Organised jointly by the ESRI, Dublin Economic Workshop, UL, and UCD’s Geary Institute, this year’s policy conference (see previous years here and here) will be on the theme of economic policy after the bailout. This conference brings policy makers, politicians, civil servants and academics together to address this question of national importance. The venue will be the Institute of Bankers in the IFSC. (Click here for a map).

Date: 31st January 2013

Venue: Institute of Bankers, IFSC


9:15 – 10:45: Plenary: The Impact of the Crisis on Industrial Relations

Chair: Aedín Doris (NUI Maynooth)

  • Kieran Mulvey (Labour Relations Commission) Prospects for Pay and Industrial Relations in the Irish Economy
  • Shay Cody (IMPACT Trade Union) “The impact of the crisis on industrial relations – a public service focus”
  • Michelle O’Sullivan/Tom Turner (University of Limerick) “The Crisis and Implications for Precarious Employment’”

10.45-11.15: Coffee Break

11:15 – 12:45: 2A. Migration and the Labour Market

Chair: Philip O’Connell (UCD Geary Institute)

  • Piaras MacÉinrí (UCC) ‘Beyond the choice v constraint debate: some key findings from a recent representative survey on emigration’
  • Peter Muhlau (TCD) “Social ties and the labour market integration of Polish migrants in Ireland and Germany”
  • Alan Barrett (ESRI & TCD) and Irene Mosca (TCD) “The impact of an adult child’s emigration on the mental health of an older parent”

2B. Economics: Teaching and Practice

Chair: Ronan Gallagher (Dept of Public Expenditure and Reform)

  • Brian Lucey (TCD): “Finance Education Before and After the Crash”
  • Liam Delaney (Stirling): “Graduate Economics Education”
  • Jeffrey Egan (McGraw-Hill Education) “The commercial interest in Third Level Education”

12:45 – 1:45: Lunch Break

1:45 – 3:15: 3A. Health and Recovery

Chair: Alex White, TD, Minister of State

  • David Madden (UCD) “Health and Wealth on the Roller-Coaster: Ireland 2003-2011”
  • Charles Normand TCD) and Anne Nolan (TCD & ESRI) “The impact of the economic crisis on health and the health system in Ireland”
  • Paul Gorecki (ESRI) ‘Pricing Pharmaceuticals: Has Public Policy Delivered?”

3B. Fiscal Policy

Chair: Stephen Donnelly TD

  • Seamus Coffey (UCC) “The continuing constraints on Irish fiscal policy”
  • Diarmuid Smyth (IFAC) ‘IFAC: Formative years and the future’
  • Rory O’Farrell, (NERI) “Supplying solutions in demanding times: the effects of various fiscal measures”

3:15 – 3:30: Coffee Break

3:30 – 5:00: Plenary: Debt, Default and Banking System Design

Chair: Fiona Muldoon (Central Bank of Ireland)

  • Gregory Connor (NUI Maynooth) “An Economist’s Perspective on the Quality of Irish Bank Assets”
  • Kieran McQuinn and Yvonne McCarthy (Central Bank of Ireland) “Credit conditions in a boom and bust property market”
  • Colm McCarthy “Designing a Banking System for Economic Recovery”
  • Ronan Lyons (TCD) “Household expectations and the housing market: from bust to boom???”

This conference receives no funding, so we have to charge to cover expenses like room hire, tea and coffee. The registration fee is €20, but free for students. Please click here or on the link below to pay the fee, then register by attaching your payment confirmation to an e-mail with your name and affiliation to [Block bookings can be made by purchasing the required number of registrations and then sending the list of names to]

Please click here to pay the registration fee.

Crisis Conference Liveblog

Hash tag is #ieconf. Conference programme is here. Tweets/comments will be moderated throughout the day. If your browser isn’t displaying the liveblog in this post, click here to use the liveblog’s interface.

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