The New Banking Data for Ireland

The aggregate banking data for Ireland has been difficult to interpret due to the large volume of international banking activity that is routed through Dublin but which has little to do with the domestic financial system. In a welcome development, the Central Bank has re-organised how it publishes the aggregate banking data. In addition to publishing data for ‘all credit institutions’, it now also publishes data for ‘credit institutions (domestic group)’.  Data and explanations are available here.

In approximate terms for June 2010, the domestic group accounts for 59 percent of the aggregate balance sheet of all credit institutions but 87 percent of domestic deposits and 87 percent of domestic loans (94 percent of loans to domestic private sector).

One reply on “The New Banking Data for Ireland”

That’s interesting – must give this a more detailed look, but I’m surprised the domestics account for that much of the aggregate balance sheet, I had expected less given the sheer size of gross assets and liabilities of some of the IFSC companies.

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