It’s a man’s business and it took 40 years for a woman to win.
As the research seems to be mainly individualistic, why is there no Irishman among the winners since 1969?
As Americans dominate the prizes, does it help to be working in an Ivy League college?
Norway has had 3 winners since 1969.
Michael h
Three Norwegians have won….but they weren’t from Norwegian colleges
As the research seems to be mainly individualistic, why is there no Irishman among the winners since 1969?
ROLFMAO…. go figure!
Economics WHAT 2011? What prize would this be then?
Somebody said, “I see Sargent and Sims won the Nobel. Why did they leave out Lars Hansen?”
“Because then they’d have to include Ken Singleton as well”, came the reply.
Somebody else wondered, “What’s so wrong with that?”
“Because he has to win it on his own.”
GMM rocks. LPH deserves it.
Giving the Nobel Prize for Economy to Americans is like giving the Nobel Prize for cooking to the French. Game is over before it even starts.
Great announcement on RTE Radio 8am news yesterday about the prize being awarded for their work on government policy and its “casual” relationship with economic outturns.
@ Michael Hennigan/ Jean-Pierre Colinge
The london School of Economics have had 12 winners since 1969 and the LSE roll of honour is;
1972 Sir John Hicks
1974 Frederick Van Hayek (Jointly)
1977 James Meade (Jointly)
1979 Sir Arthur Lewis (Jointly)
1990 Merton Miller
1991 Ronald Coase
!998 Amartya Sen
!999 Robert Mundell
2001 George Akerlog (Jointly)
2007 Leonid Hurwiez ( Jointly)
2008 Paul Krugman
2010 Christopher Pissarides (Jointly)
John Corcoran
M.Sc. Economics london School of Economics and Political Science
Congratulations to Tom Sargent and Chris Sims on winning Nobel Prize in Economics for 2011.
12 replies on “Economics Nobel 2011: Tom Sargent and Chris Sims”
and well deserved it is
here’s some background:
I’m wondering what it takes to win this prize?
It’s a man’s business and it took 40 years for a woman to win.
As the research seems to be mainly individualistic, why is there no Irishman among the winners since 1969?
As Americans dominate the prizes, does it help to be working in an Ivy League college?
Norway has had 3 winners since 1969.
Michael h
Three Norwegians have won….but they weren’t from Norwegian colleges
As the research seems to be mainly individualistic, why is there no Irishman among the winners since 1969?
ROLFMAO…. go figure!
Economics WHAT 2011? What prize would this be then?
Somebody said, “I see Sargent and Sims won the Nobel. Why did they leave out Lars Hansen?”
“Because then they’d have to include Ken Singleton as well”, came the reply.
Somebody else wondered, “What’s so wrong with that?”
“Because he has to win it on his own.”
GMM rocks. LPH deserves it.
Giving the Nobel Prize for Economy to Americans is like giving the Nobel Prize for cooking to the French. Game is over before it even starts.
Great announcement on RTE Radio 8am news yesterday about the prize being awarded for their work on government policy and its “casual” relationship with economic outturns.
@ Michael Hennigan/ Jean-Pierre Colinge
The london School of Economics have had 12 winners since 1969 and the LSE roll of honour is;
1972 Sir John Hicks
1974 Frederick Van Hayek (Jointly)
1977 James Meade (Jointly)
1979 Sir Arthur Lewis (Jointly)
1990 Merton Miller
1991 Ronald Coase
!998 Amartya Sen
!999 Robert Mundell
2001 George Akerlog (Jointly)
2007 Leonid Hurwiez ( Jointly)
2008 Paul Krugman
2010 Christopher Pissarides (Jointly)
John Corcoran
M.Sc. Economics london School of Economics and Political Science
Congratulations to Tom Sargent and Chris Sims on winning Nobel Prize in Economics for 2011.