Scottish Constitution Blog

David Bell in Stirling has recently launched a blog on economic and policy issues surrounding the Scottish Constitutional debate. A link to the blog is here and it is already turning into a very useful source of information and insight on the key issue dominating Scottish public debate at present. There is obviously quite a lot of discussion ongoing about the lessons to be learned from the Irish experience including yesterday’s post on what would happen to national debt in a post-independence environment. Would be interested in people’s views on how Irish experiences more generally across policy domains should impact on the Scottish debate.

2 replies on “Scottish Constitution Blog”

Scotland is too small to separate from GB as a go it alone independent state. The separation if it is to be successful will require involvement of the EU and EZ as well as England and Wales. There will be pain in the short term but the Scots have endured centuries of hardship and it has a diaspora as big as the Irish one. They also have a reputation for thrift and good business judgement as in “Canny wee penny pinching lads and lassies.”.

I can see that EU membership is advantageous for them but they will need all the luck they can get.

IF Independence:

[1] debt on % of UK population.

[2] The Oil and Gas will be tricky – territorial waters and how much England/Wales to retain?

[3] The Monarch? Retain or Republic

[4] These Islands?

[5] Whiskey or Whisky?

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